Interested in Dermaplaning? Find Out How to Get Your Certification

Are you ready to carve out a path to a dynamic and fulfilling career in the world of beauty and skincare? If you've envisioned yourself as the go-to expert for radiant, glowing skin or as the professional who helps clients unveil their inner beauty, you're in the right place at the right time.

In today's fast-paced digital age, the power to shape your future has never been more accessible. It's time to seize the reins of your destiny and embark on a journey towards a rewarding career. And guess what? You can do it all from the comfort of your own space, at your own pace. Welcome to the realm of dermaplaning certification, a game-changer in the skincare universe and the gateway to a prosperous and flexible career path.

We’re thrilled to guide you through the incredible opportunities that await when you choose to earn your dermaplaning certification online. It's a decision that can transform your life, and I'm here to show you why. So, buckle up because we're about to dive deep into the world of dermaplaning and explore how it can be your ticket to a career as vibrant as the skin you'll be treating.

Why Take a Dermaplaning Certification?

Look no further if you've ever wondered how to provide clients with an instantly rejuvenated complexion while expanding your skill set. Dermaplaning, a cutting-edge skincare technique, is your gateway to a world of possibilities. In this blog, we'll delve into the compelling reasons why learning dermaplaning is a game-changer for your personal growth and your journey in the beauty field. So, let's jump in and discover why dermaplaning certification might be the perfect addition to your repertoire.

High Demand

Dermaplaning is a sought-after skincare treatment. The high demand for this procedure can attract a steady flow of clients, increasing revenue potential.

Instant Results

Dermaplaning provides immediate visible results, leaving the skin smoother, brighter, and more radiant after one treatment. Clients appreciate the instant gratification.


It offers a deeper exfoliation than many other treatments, effectively removing dead skin cells, fine vellus hair (peach fuzz), and built-up debris from the skin's surface.

Product Absorption

After dermaplaning, skincare products penetrate the skin more effectively. This enhances the effectiveness of serums, moisturizers, and other treatments, making them more beneficial for clients.

Safe for Most Skin Types

Dermaplaning is generally safe for most skin types, including sensitive skin, as it is a non-invasive procedure with minimal downtime.


Unlike chemical peels or microdermabrasion, dermaplaning is a non-chemical treatment, making it a suitable option for clients who prefer natural skincare approaches.

Anti-Aging Benefits

Regular dermaplaning can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, contributing to a more youthful complexion.

Enhanced Makeup Application

Makeup goes smoother and adheres better to the skin after dermaplaning, providing a flawless finish. This can attract clients looking for special occasions or bridal services.

Profitable Upsell

Adding dermaplaning certification to your service menu can serve as a profitable upsell to existing clients who may already be receiving other skincare treatments.

Continual Learning

Incorporating a dermaplaning course into your skill set demonstrates your commitment to staying updated with the latest skincare trends and technologies, enhancing your professional reputation.

Woman’s face before and after dermaplaning by a graduate of IBI’s dermaplaning course online

Obtaining your dermaplaning certification opens you up to countless opportunities

How To Get Certified in Dermaplaning Online

Getting dermaplaning certification online can be a convenient and flexible way to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for this skincare technique. 

In Canada, estheticians can perform dermaplaning. In the US, rules vary by state; some allow estheticians, while others require a medical license. Contact us for regional guidance via website chat.

Here's how one can typically obtain dermaplaning certification online:

  1. Check Your Regulations

Ensure you’re aware of your region's licensing requirements before enrolling. If you have questions about the regulations in your region, click the support chat icon in the bottom right, and our staff can assist you in navigating your regulations.

  1. Research Effective Courses:

Start by researching online dermaplaning course offered by reputable skin care institutes or beauty schools. Ensure that the course you choose covers the essential theory and practical aspects of dermaplaning.

Some critics argue dermaplaning may pose safety risks when performed by individuals with insufficient training. They suggest that without proper hands-on instruction, online courses may not adequately prepare practitioners for real-life situations.

Where our dermaplaning certification course differs from the rest is our focus on comprehensive hands-on learning, offering a structured progression that guarantees your mastery of this technique while maintaining safety, even in a virtual learning environment. You'll embark on a tiered practice journey, starting with a hands-on experience using a piece of fruit as your initial practice canvas, then working on yourself and culminating in performing the procedure on a live model. This meticulous approach ensures that you not only grasp the intricacies of dermaplaning but also execute the service with utmost safety and confidence throughout your online course. An instructor will review your work to ensure you’re performing the service properly and safely.

  1. Enroll in the Course:

Once you've selected a suitable dermaplaning certification course and confirmed your region’s requirements, enroll through the course provider's website. This often involves simply adding a course to your cart and checking out. With us, you’ll receive your course materials right away through email and can start learning at any time. 

  1. Access Online Materials:

After enrollment, you'll typically receive login credentials to access the online course materials. These materials may include video tutorials, written guides, demonstrations, assignments, and quizzes.

Critics claim that online courses may vary in quality, and not all may provide comprehensive and up-to-date training. This can lead to inconsistencies in practitioners' skills and knowledge.

Our online dermaplaning certification course covers everything you need to know from how dermaplaning works, addressing common client concerns, top-level hygiene and safety, and we test your knowledge through interactive quizzes and photo assignments to reinforce and solidify your knowledge.

  1. Learn Theory and Technique:

Engage in the online course content, which usually covers topics such as skin anatomy, safety protocols, tools and equipment, dermaplaning techniques, and client consultation. As a bonus, we also include our Planning and Registering Your Business mini-course to aid you in your business setup. 

  1. Practical Training:

Many online dermaplaning certification courses may not offer practical training components. In our course, you must practice dermaplaning techniques on a piece of fruit, yourself, and a model, record your progress, and submit photos for assessment.

While it's true that some students raise valid concerns about the limitations of online courses in providing hands-on training, we respectfully beg to differ when it comes to our dermaplaning course. 

We've meticulously designed our program to be exceptionally hands-on and comprehensive, offering an experience that feels like having a skilled instructor right by your side. Throughout the course, you'll receive precise guidance on tool handling and technique, ensuring both safety and the utmost effectiveness of the treatment. Our online approach can equip you with the tactile skills and confidence needed to expertly address diverse client needs.

  1. Certification Exam:

Complete any required quizzes or practical exams as part of the certification process. These assessments evaluate your understanding of dermaplaning theory and technique. In our course, an instructor will review and critique your work, ensuring you get valuable feedback during your training.

  1. Receive Certification:

Upon successfully completing the course and passing any required exams, you'll receive a dermaplaning certification. This certification shows your training and competence in performing dermaplaning treatments.

Screenshot from course of a woman receiving dermaplaning course training online on cheek

 IBI offers our students an opportunity to get hands-on training

In conclusion, the world of skincare and beauty is evolving rapidly, and there has never been a better time to invest in your skills and expertise. The opportunity to embark on a rewarding career or enhance your existing one with dermaplaning has never been more accessible than it is today through our online course.

Dermaplaning certification online course with kit

Our dermaplaning certification course comes with a kit

As we've seen, dermaplaning certification offers numerous advantages, from immediate results and enhanced product absorption to its versatility and high client demand. Our hands-on online course has been meticulously crafted to ensure that you acquire the knowledge and not only the knowledge but also the practical skills required to excel in this dynamic field.

So, why wait? The beauty industry is calling, and this is your moment to answer. Take the leap, seize the opportunity, and equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving skincare world of skincare. The time to enroll in our online dermaplaning course is now. Your future in the beauty industry is just a click away.



What qualifications do you need for Dermaplaning?

There are no prerequisites for our courses, but be aware of regional regulations. In Canada, our certification usually suffices. In the US, rules vary by state. Contact us for regional guidance via website chat.

Can Dermaplaning be done by an esthetician?

In Canada, estheticians can perform dermaplaning. The US rules vary by state; some allow estheticians, while others require a medical license. Contact us for regional guidance via website chat.

How many treatments for Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning frequency varies by skincare goals. One session offers instant radiance. Regular treatments, every 4-6 weeks, address specific concerns. Series may be needed for issues like scarring. Personalized plans based on skin assessment and goals, including combined treatments, are essential.

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